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Work Cards – Level 5 (EDU)




These work cards were developed because of our firm belief that children must understand what they read. It develops thinking skills and gives the text meaning and purpose.

Work cards assist students with understanding what they are reading. At the top of the card is a small amount of information, followed by several questions. Finally there is an explanation to write and a drawing to do.

The child reads the information, answers the questions, writes the information and draws a picture.

Each level increases in complexity with the higher levels using open ended questioning.

These cards are excellent for students who are fast finishers. They can be used independently and are a good way to ascertain understanding and consolidation of sight vocabulary. They are vital to help children answer infernal questions from a text. Children love doing them.

We have used the cards as guided reading activities, while working with another group undertaking reading. Instead of doing shush and colour work they are actively undertaking activities which will assist understanding. The reading cards have a purpose and direction.

  • Multiple ways to use the cards
  • Laminate and use again and again
  • $30 a set of 20
  • Copy into workbooks putting the missing words in
  • Use as a whole class activity on interactive whiteboards
  • Write in the missing words
